The fastest living beings on the planet, Peregrine Falcons have been clocked at speeds of 240 miles per hour. Such an intense lifestyle doesn't come without living in a highly competitive environment. Five peregrine falcons make up this incredible family living on the edge of the world. Where a turbulent Pacific Ocean meets the yellow cliffs of Northern California, three fledglings must learn to live on their own fast or perish. The parents may have gotten them this far, but they quickly let their offspring experience a harsher world beyond the confines of their nest. The whole family has the opportunity to hunt plentiful coastal birds along the ocean's edge and then open plains to the East provides a different kind of winged prey. Blasting winds are common recurrences in this place of jagged cliffs and mansion-sized rocks, which makes mastering their element a "baptism by fire" for first-time fliers.
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